Grilled stuffed Beef Steak with Mozarella cheese, served with seasonal Vegetable and tomato and...
Grilled stuffed Beef Steak with Mozarella cheese, served with seasonal Vegetable and tomato and...
Juicy Roasted Whole Chicken marinated with Jamaican Spice with island hot chilli and tomato basil...
500g of Tiger Prawns served on a bed of seasonal Vegetables with any side dish of your...
Grilled Barracuda Fillet fish served with lemon, black pepper sauce and butter sauce with any...
Oven Grilled Whole Croaker Fish seasoned with chilli with sauteed seasonal vegetable and a side...
Roasted Chicken Joint served with Tomatoes sauce served with a side of French fries and Yam...
Oven Grilled Whole catfish Marinated with tropical sauce and seasoned with chilli with sauteed...
Boneless thick cut Steak Seasoned with paprika, oregano and black pepper sauce on a bed of...
Grilled Beef patties/Steak served in burger bun with Mozarella cheese topping, lettuce,egg,...
Grilled Chicken/Turkey patties served in burger bun with Mozarella cheese topping, lettuce,egg,...
Chicken Joint coated in Chilli, BBq Sauce and ketchup served with Sweet mayo and BBQ sauce ...
Diced Chicken skewered with vegetables served bbq sauce with a side of French fries
Grilled Chicken wings Grilled to perfection in Chilli , topped with ketchup and BBq sauce served...
Diced Steak skewered with vegetables served bbq sauce with a side of French fries
Chicken /beef wrapped in vegetables slivers in flour roll served with sweet chilli and Mayo...
Buffalo wings, Beef skewer.herb fish.chicken spring roll,hotdog served with BBq and tartar...